
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Free-Range Cookies

A bit ago I re-grammed the following imagine on Instagram:

Just because something is a healthier alternative, doesn't mean it's necessarily healthy. Cookies & treats should still be consumed in moderation, and for enjoyment, not in an attempt to extinguish the sugar monster's cravings or as emotional comfort. Even though they are paleo friendly (hence the paleo free-range cookie joke by the husband), they should still be rare treats.

In this past year, I have completed 2 sugar detoxes and 4 Whole30's.

I have learned to analyze my food options based on nutrition; which meal will provide what's best for my body right now? Sometimes that is more proteins, more fats or more carbs, depending on the day and level of exercise.

I also have strengthened my self-control incredibly. I never would have imagined how many times I could turn down sugary, allergen-filled foods. I grew up using the crutch of "having a sweet tooth", and it wasn't until this past year that I called it what it is: lack of self control and intense sugar cravings.

There is a level of hormone issues and nutrition I had to sort out. My body needed to re-adjust to real food and my taste buds needed to learn the true sweetness of non-processed foods! This is where those sugar detoxes and Whole30's came in!

However, my biggest struggle was with self-control. And just like any other muscle, the more I flex it, the stronger it gets.

This past week we had a "snow" day (for all of you northerners, don't laugh. The roads were icey & I don't drive then!). So, I decided to bake to warm up the house. It has been awhile since I've baked, I rarely have time to do so now-a-days.

I baked Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies from The Paleo Kitchen Cookbook and subbed out the eggs to fit our dietary needs. These aren't Autoimmune Paleo since I used almond flour, so I have made an effort to only enjoy a few. And I have succeeded.

I legitimately forgot about them for 2 days. The cookie monster would be ashamed.

So much has changed this year. I should probably freeze these cookies before they mold (this happens more often then naught when baking gluten-free and paleo I've noticed) because we don't eat them fast enough (a good problem to have). I can enjoy one and be satisfied, without cramming my face full or eating multiple throughout the day.

I walk by the sweets at work and choose not to eat them not because I have a better alternative at home (sometimes I do), but because I neither want them nor need them. Sweets aren't a staple in our diet anymore, so I actually enjoy them when I choose to have them, without just eating because it is routine.  

I am grateful for this past year's journey and how my relationship with food has changed. I can enjoy these treats for what they are, treats, and not have any unhealthy feelings of shame or guilt (as long as they agree with my tummy!).

So final verdict: Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies were fantastic, even though they weren't chocolate! ;)

I think I'm going to go have one. Just one.


“Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage.” 


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