
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Prepare for change: cleaning out the pantry

Wanting to change your life by adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle? Here are some suggestions on how to rid your house of the "bad for you" foods!

1. Eat it. All.
Okay, this is the worst advice, but tends to be the most popular way people rid their house of food. A bit ironic almost, and exact opposite of what you want to do, eat healthy or lose weight right? Have one cookie, then find another solution for the rest; don't binge on junk food like it's Mardi Gras! This lifestyle change should be a permanent change; make that decision right now & it'll make this whole process easier!

2. Trash them. 
Just chunk it straight into the trash, empty your trash and drive it to the dump, if you must! This was a safer alternative to "burn it" or "shoot it", but I make no judgment nor accept responsibility for any injuries.

3. Give food away
Can't waste "perfectly good" food? Give it away to your friends, family, coworkers, or neighbors! For us, food sensitivities played a huge role in getting rid of foods, so some friends were open to accepting the foods we couldn't eat.
My surefire way to make food disappear: Just leave it in the break room, and it'll disappear eventually. ESPECIALLY if you use those goods to make other dishes (cookies, etc)

4. Arts & crafts
Hellllo cheap art supplies. Anyone else remember the macaroni noodle decorated photo frame? Rice filled heating pad? Peppermint decorated balls? Gingerbread houses? I mean, your options are only limited by your creativity and/or Pinterest capability! No need to chunk everything if you have young kids who can use the items! Or maybe a church preschool who could take the donation for art projects?

5. Donate it.
You could donate the food to a local food pantry if it's unopened (say boxes or cans)!

Whatever you do, get the food OUT of your house and DO NOT buy more if you want to be successful. Stop shopping in the inner aisles of the stores and only buy what is on your grocery list!

Do it now, don't try to wait to start your lifestyle change until after you finish that bag of chips or gallon of ice cream.

And don't think you can just keep some junk food in the back of the pantry; you will eat it sooner or later.

We are all cheering for ya!
Disclaimer: none of these pictures are mine