
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

By Faith...

Sometimes when I am running with my 80lb black lab, we approach a foreign object: a fire hydrant, an electrical box, a plastic flag for marking power lines, etc. These extremely dangerous objects cause Ol' Roc' to slow down his pace and stick suuuuper close by my side. By the time we actually pass these objects, he is at a slow walk hiding behind me with his head down and ears back. Watch out ladies and gents, he's a ferocious one!  The next time we run by this object he only slightly slows down, and the times after that, he is not even phased. In our most common route, he has no fear when approaching these objects, but will occasionally return to his cautious stance on routes we rarely take (it's like he forgets we've conquered that feat).

Roc' trusts me to not lead him to danger and that I will protect him. Eventually, he either knows to not fear the situation, or he has full confidence being by my side. (It's hard to tell which since he is a dog and I cannot ask him, but since he no longer hides behind me I can assume one of these explanations).

I couldn't help but see the resemblance in how we should be in our walk with God when approaching difficult times. We see a difficult situation ahead and we cling to God's word and promises. Our prayer life is off the charts during the obstacle when we just hope we can make it out alive. The next few times we find ourselves in similar scenarios, we slow our pace and cling to God, but with less doubt. We can trust in Him based on previous experiences where He has led us through "the valley of shadow and death".

This year I had a New Year's goal to strengthen my faith, as I think that should be a valid goal for everyone. I had no ides how to do this though. How does one strengthen faith? I can't do it at the gym, I can't order it online, I can't even just absorb it at church. Truth is even if I read the Bible, study His words, listen to people's testimonies and spend more time in prayer, I can't necessarily just build faith. (Hey maybe some people can but honestly, I'm a learn-by-doing kind of person.) In fact, I don't think it has to do with ANYTHING I can personally do.

Faith is described In Hebrews 11:
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

I have just recently began to appreciate fully the rest of the chapter, too, that explains how it is "By Faith" many believers trusted in God's promises. They had confidence in Him, even before they knew the immediate outcome or even though they wouldn't see all of His promises fulfilled. They knew enough about Him that in times of struggle, they relied on Him. They had more faith than doubt.

This year my father had back surgery. Which on the skin is ironic since he is a chiropractor (in fact chiropractic is what helped postone this surgery by a decade or so, but that's another story). Anywho, the thought of surgery was odd, as we were raised a natural lifestyle and back surgery almost seemed taboo, like he was giving into the thought of just 'doing what was easier'. I felt like my father having this surgery was a direct stab to his own teachings; he was a traitor!

During this time I searched myself and realized I was in no means the victim (bad selfish Rachel). This was a serious matter that was postponed as long as possible and lessened due to chiropractic, but yes, modern medicine was developed for times exactly like this-necessary operations to alleviate pain. (Fyi he had a disc removed that was putting pressure on nerves; he was slowly losing feeling in his legs.)

So instead of worrying, I put all effort into praying; into giving my fears to God. Prayers for healing, direction, comfort. Praying because that was better than stressing more.

And then it hit me while on a run with Roc', actually. That same run I previously described. There are times when events in our life just don't seem fair, they are difficult and we really would prefer them not happening. They scare us, and during those times when life doesn't make sense, all we can do is slow down, cling onto our Faith in God and make it through the times.

I might never fully understand why this had to occur. 

It did, however:
1. Reinforce the belief that yes, healings can occur multiple ways.
2. Remind me of my own experience and how the Lord taught me so much through it about situations we don't understand.
3. Strengthen my faith for the above reason. Everytime we are put in a difficult situation, choosing to lay down our doubts and stresses and just trust in God is an opportunity to strengthen our faith.
Teachings, readings, experiences all were backup for my acknowledge of His superiority of the matter. During those arduous times, it's okay to slow down your pace in life and cling on. The more often these times occur, the easier it is to not be as scared and have confidence in the unseen.

What's that story about footprints in the sand?

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11


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