This is part 1 of my pregnancy series. Check back for the rest of my pregnancy and postpartum tips!
Some women have significant changes during their first trimester. For me, I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant the DAY after we closed on our house. The biggest changes came closer to the 8 week mark, all up until then I felt fairly normal (besides being wildly ecstatic yet unable to tell our friends). My greatest challenges were lack of energy & food aversion. Here's issues I faced and solutions that worked for me. I'm sharing, not as a medical professional, but as a "been there, done that, got the baby" fellow mother, in hopes that maybe some of my tips might help you, if you or someone you know is having these same issues!
"Issue": Deciding on Prenatals
Solution: In total crunchy mama way, I chose the Garden of Life prenatals because they were food based (there are a few different kinds, I purchased the organic line). These prenatal vitamins contain Folate, not synthetic folic acid (read the importance here), and I knew my body would better absorb everything in this prenatal. It turns out these prenatal vitamins were the ones my midwives sold at their office (I was taking for about a month before meeting with midwives), and my naturalopath liked them better than the ones he carried in his office! We have since switched pretty much all of our vitamins to Garden of Life, but that's beside the point. They are a bit pricey than the general ones from the supermarket, but if there's a time to buy great quality vitamins, it is when you are supporting your body growing another human being.
Issue: Exhaustion
Solution: Slept. A lot. If I wasn't at work or working on wedding flowers, I was asleep. Usually by 7:30pm on the couch, as the husband cleaned up dinner and tended to all household chores. My general pregnancy rule: Don't fight the sleep; just go for it. You need it! And, quite honestly, it might be the last of good sleep you'll get for a long while. Especially when pregnancy insomnia kicks in later, but I'm getting ahead of myself there (that'll be in the 3rd trimester blog post).
Issue: Food Aversions. Nothing sounded or tasted good. I thought bland foods would be appealing, but I could NOT swallow my usual sweet potatoes or avocadoes. Or even plain chicken. My food aversion only lasted about 2 weeks before my solutions came into play.
Solution #1: I had to eat breakfast, but I couldn't eat my usual one (sweet potato hash, sausage & avocado). So, breakfast protein smoothies came into my pregnancy; they stayed for my first trimester & came back for my third trimester (because I needed extra protein & calories). I use Garden of Life Grainfree Protein powder (Since I cannot do dairy or grains due to crohn's), canned full fat coconut milk, various fruits & spinach, and Great Lakes Kosher Collagen Hydrolysate.
Solution #2: I solved the food aversions during the rest of my day by going for food WITH flavor,
instead of bland food. Tacos, larb, lamb, chili, balsamic braised short ribs...anything with crazy (spicy or savory) flavor I was able to eat. So while my mind was thinking I should do comfort food, my pregnancy hormones told my stomach the exact opposite!
Issue: Supplements: Fish Oil
Solution: I bought Innate Choice EPA/DHA Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement per my Midwives' recommendation. Fish oil helps support the growing baby and mama's brain, and is important! Plus, just great to have in a normal diet anyways! Read more here!
(Non-)Issue: Morning Sickness [I didn't have morning sickness this pregnancy.]

Solution: I have a few theories, based on what I've read and mine & friends' experiences, ranging from luck to balanced hormones. I did read a study about magnesium levels playing a role in morning sickness. During the first trimester I took Epsom salt baths almost every day which could be why I escaped morning sickness (and general soreness!). Plus this was just a great time to de-stress. Additionally, I bought Ancient Minerals Magnesium Spray; I used this a few minutes before I jumped into the shower (or bath)! Watch out, it can sting.
(Non-)Issue: Pregnancy Digestive problems
Solution #1: Digestive Enzymes. I have been taking digestive enzymes for years, at least a decade I think. I take them with meals and they help support proper digesting. Need I explain more?
Solution #2: The Squatty Potty. Funny, I actually bought the squatty potty for our new house, as I had been wanting to purchase one and they were at Bed, Bath & Beyond when we were decorating. The Squatty Potty returns our bodies to the natural position that supports the whole, ehm, process. Basically, biology points to the fact that our systems does better squatting, and that sitting has caused more issues for us. You can learn more here (don't worry, the video is PG, and explains it all with unicorns and rainbows, seriously!).
Issue: Wanting to learn more about pregnancy & birth
Solution: Start the Pregnancy Reading! I read Supernatural Birth by Jackie Mize immediately. I LOVED the positive view of pregnancy presented in this book. This book was uplifting and gave hope for a healthy, painfree pregnancy and birth. Because of this book, I began believing my dream of an uneventful and peaceful birth WAS possible. I focused on day to day pregnancy health, and blocked out any fear put on me by others. This book also was encouraging because it differed from the media's view of labor & birth, you know: screaming, yelling, frantic dashing to the hospital as soon as one contraction happens.
-Began drinking Pregnancy Tea from Traditional Medicinals, alternating with Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. Both help support pregnancy and strengthen the uterus! I love morning tea, so this fit my routine! Also, I never drank coffee, but this would be a great substitute for coffee if you still need a morning warm drink (though there's no caffeine in the tea...)
-Began Pinteresting boy and girl nursery ideas. I'm a planner, and I had two themes down, just had to wait for the gender!
-Found providers I trusted and had good reviews. Since we had just moved, my transition from my previous doctor to a new provider was well timed. I found a terrific group of midwives and lovely birth center just a couple miles from our new house. #Fate
-Continued to workout, but made sure I wasn't over doing it by modifying my exercises. I reduced my weights a bit, and focused on proper technique and toning rather than pushing for building more muscle mass. I realized that at this point all extra protein I was consuming would be going to build a baby, not my delts, and I was okay with that! I wouldn't recommend beginning a new, intense workout plan during a pregnancy, but light weights, walking, swimming & stretching are all great ways to work out and stay healthy! Talk to your provider about what's best for you!
-Scheduled & took our last "Pre-baby" Family Pictures. Our engagement and wedding pictures were years old, and we truly feel and look like different people (older and more fit). We wanted to capture where we were in life before everything changed! And of course we made these our pregnancy announcement pictures!
-Booked our babymoon! (aka last childless vacation for a very long time) We went right around 20 weeks, before I would be too pregnant to really enjoy the vacation. We went to NYC at Christmas-time, one of the things I have always wanted to do since being there for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in High School!
-Continued to hardcore meal prep, so we could continue to eat healthy. We would spend most of Sunday doing such, but it helped me stay on top of my pregnancy health!
-Cut out more toxins. Everything you ingest or put on your skin can be extra toxins for your body! Eat more organic foods, cut out toxic chemicals (hubs took over cleaning the bathrooms completely), and opt for clean soaps, lotions, shampoos, etc!
-Added back rice and a couple other foods I had eliminated. During pregnancy, the immune system is suppressed, which is terrific for those of us with autoimmune diseases! I could "cheat" by eating rice once or twice a week for the extra carbs and not wake in agony the next morning! Talk about pregnancy bliss!!!!
-Drank lots of water! You will do this your entire pregnancy, so start now!
My first trimester was exhausting, but I really feel like these choices I made helped make my pregnancy smoother from the beginning! I had been reading about, asking family/friends and looking into pregnancy for a couple of years, but I learned so much during my own pregnancy (as I think everyone does-you can NEVER be completely "ready" for everything pregnancy throws at ya).
The natural choices I found and made were easy to implement in my life as they already aligned with my current health lifestyle, and they were a good change that have since helped us grow in our health journey even beyond pregnancy!
Solution #1: I had to eat breakfast, but I couldn't eat my usual one (sweet potato hash, sausage & avocado). So, breakfast protein smoothies came into my pregnancy; they stayed for my first trimester & came back for my third trimester (because I needed extra protein & calories). I use Garden of Life Grainfree Protein powder (Since I cannot do dairy or grains due to crohn's), canned full fat coconut milk, various fruits & spinach, and Great Lakes Kosher Collagen Hydrolysate.
Solution #2: I solved the food aversions during the rest of my day by going for food WITH flavor,
instead of bland food. Tacos, larb, lamb, chili, balsamic braised short ribs...anything with crazy (spicy or savory) flavor I was able to eat. So while my mind was thinking I should do comfort food, my pregnancy hormones told my stomach the exact opposite!
Issue: Supplements: Fish Oil
Solution: I bought Innate Choice EPA/DHA Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplement per my Midwives' recommendation. Fish oil helps support the growing baby and mama's brain, and is important! Plus, just great to have in a normal diet anyways! Read more here!
(Non-)Issue: Morning Sickness [I didn't have morning sickness this pregnancy.]
(Non-)Issue: Pregnancy Digestive problems
Solution #1: Digestive Enzymes. I have been taking digestive enzymes for years, at least a decade I think. I take them with meals and they help support proper digesting. Need I explain more?
Solution #2: The Squatty Potty. Funny, I actually bought the squatty potty for our new house, as I had been wanting to purchase one and they were at Bed, Bath & Beyond when we were decorating. The Squatty Potty returns our bodies to the natural position that supports the whole, ehm, process. Basically, biology points to the fact that our systems does better squatting, and that sitting has caused more issues for us. You can learn more here (don't worry, the video is PG, and explains it all with unicorns and rainbows, seriously!).
Issue: Wanting to learn more about pregnancy & birth
Solution: Start the Pregnancy Reading! I read Supernatural Birth by Jackie Mize immediately. I LOVED the positive view of pregnancy presented in this book. This book was uplifting and gave hope for a healthy, painfree pregnancy and birth. Because of this book, I began believing my dream of an uneventful and peaceful birth WAS possible. I focused on day to day pregnancy health, and blocked out any fear put on me by others. This book also was encouraging because it differed from the media's view of labor & birth, you know: screaming, yelling, frantic dashing to the hospital as soon as one contraction happens.
Other useful tidbits from my first trimester
-Began drinking Pregnancy Tea from Traditional Medicinals, alternating with Red Raspberry Leaf Tea. Both help support pregnancy and strengthen the uterus! I love morning tea, so this fit my routine! Also, I never drank coffee, but this would be a great substitute for coffee if you still need a morning warm drink (though there's no caffeine in the tea...)
-Began Pinteresting boy and girl nursery ideas. I'm a planner, and I had two themes down, just had to wait for the gender!
-Found providers I trusted and had good reviews. Since we had just moved, my transition from my previous doctor to a new provider was well timed. I found a terrific group of midwives and lovely birth center just a couple miles from our new house. #Fate
-Continued to workout, but made sure I wasn't over doing it by modifying my exercises. I reduced my weights a bit, and focused on proper technique and toning rather than pushing for building more muscle mass. I realized that at this point all extra protein I was consuming would be going to build a baby, not my delts, and I was okay with that! I wouldn't recommend beginning a new, intense workout plan during a pregnancy, but light weights, walking, swimming & stretching are all great ways to work out and stay healthy! Talk to your provider about what's best for you!
-Scheduled & took our last "Pre-baby" Family Pictures. Our engagement and wedding pictures were years old, and we truly feel and look like different people (older and more fit). We wanted to capture where we were in life before everything changed! And of course we made these our pregnancy announcement pictures!
-Booked our babymoon! (aka last childless vacation for a very long time) We went right around 20 weeks, before I would be too pregnant to really enjoy the vacation. We went to NYC at Christmas-time, one of the things I have always wanted to do since being there for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in High School!
-Continued to hardcore meal prep, so we could continue to eat healthy. We would spend most of Sunday doing such, but it helped me stay on top of my pregnancy health!
-Cut out more toxins. Everything you ingest or put on your skin can be extra toxins for your body! Eat more organic foods, cut out toxic chemicals (hubs took over cleaning the bathrooms completely), and opt for clean soaps, lotions, shampoos, etc!
-Added back rice and a couple other foods I had eliminated. During pregnancy, the immune system is suppressed, which is terrific for those of us with autoimmune diseases! I could "cheat" by eating rice once or twice a week for the extra carbs and not wake in agony the next morning! Talk about pregnancy bliss!!!!
-Drank lots of water! You will do this your entire pregnancy, so start now!
My first trimester was exhausting, but I really feel like these choices I made helped make my pregnancy smoother from the beginning! I had been reading about, asking family/friends and looking into pregnancy for a couple of years, but I learned so much during my own pregnancy (as I think everyone does-you can NEVER be completely "ready" for everything pregnancy throws at ya).
The natural choices I found and made were easy to implement in my life as they already aligned with my current health lifestyle, and they were a good change that have since helped us grow in our health journey even beyond pregnancy!
Best wishes on your pregnancy and health journey! I hope these tips help someone out there!
"Fear is a spiritual force. It is the opposite of faith. Fear is real, and it is not of God. It affects the life we live on planet earth. It affects the physical body...You only fear the unknown or past bad experiences. Past failures bring future fears. Fear and faith don't operate together. Fear is your worst enemy when it's allowed to operate. It can be one of the greatest causes of pain during childbirth."
-from Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize