About a month ago I had the novel idea to move it from the ledge by the sink to a window ledge. Since its move, it's not as droopy, and I have high hopes of it returning to grow more. What an extraordinary idea: moving my house plant so it could receive more light and actually grow, because the environment near the sink wasn't "doing it" for the welfare of the plant.
On another note, my Rosemary is not growing. In fact, it hasn't grown since the weather changed and the northern wind came to Texas. Like most plants, winter is its dormant season. During this time, my Rosemary is just living to get by and, like the brown Texas grasses, growing in its roots so that in spring it's growth will be abundant. So, I do not trim branches from my Rosemary plant, since it is not growing. It is not dead; it is not blooming; it is just getting by, waiting for the spring and warmer weather.
Where am I going with my plant talk?
Has anyone else out there been in a Stale State? Maybe lately, awhile ago, for a bit, or for long period of time? I just recently felt 'stale'. I was at a standstill where I felt trapped, unable to move forward with my career, not enjoying my work, feeling as thought I wasn't working at full capacity. I was unsatisfied. I looked around and saw friends and coworkers loving what they're doing, pursuing their dreams, feeling content and satisfied. I kept asking myself, WHY am I not like them? Why can I NOT be content with my work? What IS my dream job in life?
Eventually I reached a point where I couldn't handle it anyone. I threw my hands up in the air and was getting ready to walk away. But to where would I go? Well, I figured it'd be a good time as any to pursue my passion for wedding flowers.
And just when everything fell apart, it all fell into place. New opportunities have arrived in my work, and I am knee deep in planning my floral business, including preparing for 3 weddings this year!
How do these two topics relate?
The Lord spoke to me the other day and showed me, just like the plant, in the wrong environment and my Rosemary in its dormant season, I wasn't blooming because it wasn't my time. I am emerging from a portion of my life where I spent time developing my roots, broadening my foundation, and I was just out of season. I desired to start blooming, but it wasn't time yet. I kept doing my day to day, but nothing new was going to come of it. It wasn't until I pursued my God-given passion and started acting on my ideal dream job, that everything else in my life turned for the better.
There was no room for blooming in my previous environment when I was just scraping to get by; there was no blooming during my dormant time.
Just like a gardener watching his plants, my Lord moved me into the right environment when the season changed, and now I feel like I'm about to explode in flower blooms. New growth is just about to arrive in my life and I am beyond excited.
"If your goals are too vague,
they are still dreams." -Dave Ramsey
they are still dreams." -Dave Ramsey