"Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning"-Proverbs 30:5
I literally woke up today with a song in my heart: my hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name (On Christ the Solid Rock).
I know it is very easy to worry about all things-big and small. As I've mentioned before, the Lord is continually reminding me all is according to His will. While some outcomes lately may not have been what I wanted, I am so grateful MY future lies with He who knows and controls all. I need not worry when I acknowledge God has my life planned to a T. In this I continually find peace.
Lately I have been trying to figure out where I belong in this married, college grad, career life. God has been constantly reminding me it's through Him that I find my identity; not because I'm a conservative Aggie, dog-owning Texan, lactose-intolerant blonde, paleo diet and crohn's diagnosed wife, homeowning health nut, sanitary Star Wars loving marketer, or 23 year old pro life shoe enthusiast. I am a chosen daughter of God and I need not put my trust, future or identity in anyone or thing of this world.
No outcome can bring the inner peace found by trusting God completely. While I remain passionate about certain values, I've learned an important lesson this election-cycle: when your hope is in the right place, your world won't come crashing down when events and situations in your life aren't ideal or what you wanted most. A simple, almost silly, lesson, but one which I know I needed a refresher course.
Always learning,
Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due. -William Ralph Inge