Before I share about my adventure of harvesting herbs I figure I'll give updates on 2 major aspects of our lives: James has lost 6-8 pounds since we changed our diet to eat allergen-free foods, and Rocky now weighs 37 pounds (I could barely hold him and stand on the scale-guess I need to up the iron at the gym, again). James is full of energy and is losing that 'gluten-belly' as we call it (same theology as a beer-gut, but just caused by gluten in various foods. Or in his situation, a combo of all the allergens his body couldn't digest properly). We'll be adding new pants to his Christmas list, if not sooner. Rocky hasn't chewed through anything major (knock on wood); although I do wonder why we buy him toys when he loves empty water bottles and paper towel rolls... He had a glamor shot photo shoot a while back, check out this beauty:
Thank you Senora Neale for such wonderful shots of Rocky!
Now onto harvesting of the herbs! I searched online for the best method to harvest herbs. I finally decided on harvesting the herbs, washing & drying the herbs, then combining the herbs and olive oil in a food processor.
Finally, scoop the herbs into ice cube trays and let them freeze/set-up for a few days. (Yes I am using some heart shaped ice cube trays) Then, transfer frozen cubes into a labeled freezer bag.
So far, we have enjoyed the cilantro I froze with rice, even though I haven't bought fresh cilantro since we made salsa earlier this summer!
I am also trying simply harvesting the herbs and putting the herbs straight into a freezer ziplock bag (after washing and drying of course-so many other critters enjoy herbs!). I am mainly trying this method with Rosemary, as I read an easy way to get the Rosemary off the branches is to roll a rolling-pin over the bag after they've been frozen for awhile. I'll let you know how this turns out!
Additionally I have been harvesting seeds, so that next year I can grow more herb plants and eventually be able to stock up and share my fresh herbs with friends and family! And Rocky enjoys smelling the herbs every day, so if nothing else he can have some air fresheners.
Until next time,
"The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her."
~Marcelene Cox